The Autumn Watercolour Abstract Collection is Here!

5 Harmony No1 b.jpg

Hello friends,

I’m so thrilled to officially announce my newest collection of abstract watercolour paintings with you! I have been quietly working on these whenever I had a free moment between teaching and commissions. I hope you love these as much as I do.

Each painting was created using professional grade watercolours in combination with my own brand, La Sirena. There are splashes of gold that catch the light and add a touch of magic. The paper is Canadian made paper from a mill in Montreal that follows traditional methods, making one sheet at a time.

Here is a little snippet about the thoughts behind the paintings:

This collection was inspired by balance and harmony that one discovers through the act of slow living.

As summer draws to a close and autumn approaches, the colours we see in nature defy the cooling trend and become warm and cozy, easing our transition to the darker, winter months. The shapes and colours of this collection are those that I have seen during outdoor exploration in the Pacific Northwest.

Our natural world may first appear scattered and chaotic but as you observe the world around you, one can come to realize that nature is perfectly balanced and ordered. This journey of discovery is reflected on paper through the seemingly random array of shape and colour. As each new colour and brushstroke blossomed on the paper, order and harmony began to emerge, both in the colour combinations and in the composition.

View the entire collection HERE.