La Sirena Watercolours: Cyprus Green


Cyprus Green is an earth pigment that comes from Cyprus. It is found in the fields of the north-west highlands. According to Kremer, this green earth is quite rare… 

"As agriculture declined during and after the Turkish-Greek war, the source was lost. A geologist on Cyprus is now finding small amounts of this rare mineral, most of which has a light to medium green hue. Only a few rocks are of this blue-green quality." - Kremer Pigment

It definitely took longer to mull and make the crackling sound of larger pigment particles disappear. On the slab and in the half pan it looks dark but on paper, it’s very light and pale, perfect for delicate illustrations! Even if you charge your brush with a lot of pigment, it’s very translucent and will never be “dark.” It is semi-transparent by nature.

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